Alcohol and anesthesia in dental treatment

It is no secret that dental treatment requires the use of anesthesia to reduce pain. This procedure must be approached responsibly by both the dentist and the patient. It is recommended to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages to avoid unpleasant consequences and to minimize the risks. Why do experts want to give up alcoholic beverages in the process of dental intervention? You need to understand this question in more detail.

Why you should not drink alcohol before visiting the dentist

Can I drink hard drinks before dental treatment? It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol before visiting a doctor, as the effectiveness of dental anesthesia and the end result depend on the general condition of the body.

Prohibition of alcohol before a visit to the dentist
  1. Anesthetics are used for many dental procedures. They paralyze the nerve fibers, dull the pain. Alcohol under local anesthesia interferes with the drug, which leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth and gums.
  2. The painkillers themselves cause side effects such as dizziness, cramps, nausea and vomiting. Alcohol increases the adverse effects on the body, which can cause anaphylactic shock.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol before tooth extraction. Ethyl alcohol, getting into the blood, reduces its coagulation, dilates blood vessels and increases the risk of complications. Bleeding is difficult to stop, as a result of which a chronic inflammatory process develops.

The negative impact of alcoholic beverages

Many people mistakenly believe that drinking alcohol after dental treatment disinfects the oral cavity. But this is a big mistake. Are spirits and dental anesthesia compatible? If you do not want to harm your health, you need to consider the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Why is it dangerous to drink alcohol for dental treatment? This leads to the following negative consequences:

  • corrodes enamel, destroying teeth,
  • reduces the effect of anesthesia,
  • causes inflammation,
  • increases the risk of an allergic reaction,
  • provokes fluctuations in blood pressure,
  • increases the load on the liver and cardiovascular system,
  • intensifies the pain,
  • slows tissue healing,
  • provokes unconsciousness.

In addition, alcohol combined with an anesthetic has a negative effect on the central nervous system. There are often unpredictable side effects: headache, weakness, seizures, palpitations.

How long can you drink alcohol after anesthesia

How long does it take to drink alcohol after anesthesia? The term is determined by the dentist and depends on the nature of the intervention and the type of treatment. Anesthesia is not treated immediately, so the holiday should be postponed. After dental procedures you have to wait at least a day. It is permissible to drink alcohol 48 hours after complete removal of the drug from the body. It is worth noting that after tooth extraction it is recommended to extend the refusal of strong drinks by 6-7 days. If you have low blood clotting, it is best to abstain for a longer period. This will reduce the risk of complications: inflammation, suppuration and infection.

Alcohol can significantly affect the outcome of treatment. As a result, dental intervention will be ineffective and unsuccessful. As much as you want to overcome anxiety and stress, it is better to forget about alcoholic beverages during the procedure.


All alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol. If you drink vodka, wine, cognac or beer, the liver takes on a double burden. The body must metabolize both painkillers and alcohol. The negative effect on the liver may be exacerbated by the use of antibiotics, analgesics, antihistamines. To avoid toxic shock, you shouldAlcohol and antibiotics are incompatiblefollow these tips:

  • You should refrain from drinking alcohol if you plan to visit the dentist on the same day.
  • If your dental procedure involves the use of antibiotics, it is best not to drink alcohol during treatment.
  • Before the appointment it is necessary to inform the dentist about the presence of allergic reactions and medications used the day before.
  • Remember that the success of the medical procedure depends on proper preparation. If dental surgery is irresponsible, additional anesthesia or re-intervention may be required.

There is no doubt that drinking strong drinks during the action of dental anesthesia is highly undesirable. If you want the procedure to be safe and painless, you should read the above recommendations carefully.

Don't be afraid to visit the dentist's office. You can consult a competent specialist who will tell you how to properly prepare for the treatment process. A professional dentist will choose an individual anesthetic and will advise you on the most effective method for quick recovery.